lilybrownflex Night calisthenics session 💣Yoga Stretch Flexible girl showing pussy

lilybrownflex Night calisthenics session 💣Yoga Stretch Flexible girl showing pussy

I am one of the best ribbon gymnasts. I am not boasting… that is the truth. Everyday I do my rhythm practice for at least 4 hours. As soon as the music goes on and the ribbon is in my hand, I forget the world.

My choreographer coachworks exclusively with me, selecting the music, showing me the moves. I love my costumes and we have practice rounds with them but usually I prefer nude gymnastics during practice. As I go through my aerials in the nude,

my choreographer looks critically at me. She asks me to stand straight while she examines my tits. Her touch changes, becoming softer, caressing. She then pushes me to do my cartwheels. I continue with six continuous pirouettes with my leg up in a straight split,

my ribbon swirling around me, touching me on my breasts, whipping past my clit, arousing me all the while. The only appreciation my coach shows is rubbing my shaved pussy. As I throw my ribbon, do a back tuck to the salsa music that she played today, my coach finally broke into a smile.

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